Sunday, 24 June 2007


I have managed to get stuck on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, even though i've completed it 2 times. It's that damn block puzzle, it gets me every time. Stupid Yeto and Yeta and their stupid mansion. Anyway, I have a list of games, and I shall tell you why each one is awesome......

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Resident Evil series
Soul Calibur series
Mortal Kombat: Shoalin Monks
Ape Escape series
Guitar Hero II

Euro 2004
Singstar series
Hogs of War
ToeJam & Earl

Streets of Rage 1 & 2
Warioware: Smooth Moves
Dragonball Z: Budokai
The Sims 2
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Mariokart: Double Dash
Zoo Tycoon
Thrill Kill

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - this is just the most awesome game ever made, it's easier than the other Zeldas, which may be why I like it so much. The storyline is great, the characters are great, (I have an obsession with Link, the main character lol), it's just great overall. I love Zant, one of the bosses, the noise he makes is really screwed up and hilarious.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - well, this game is supossed to be the greatest game ever made, though some people are saying Twilight Princess is better now. I'm not very good at this game, I actually died, something I don't think happened when I played TP. It's got an awesome storyline, the characters are pretty cool, although that damn fairy Navi really annoys me. I haven't completed this game yet.

The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker - this is the second best Zelda in my opinion. It's amazing, Link actually talks in this one! Well, he only says 'come on' but you know. I'm currently stuck on this game, but it's amazing how it twists and turns in the plot all the time. I don't think i'll ever complete this one, 'cause i'm rather annoyed with it at the minute.

Silent Hill 4: The Room - what can I say about this game? The storyline is so messed up and freaky, but it's so imaginative. How the hell anyone can think something like that up is beyond me. The main character (Henry) rules, he's so awesome, my mate Lydia has this thing about shouting 'HENRY!' every time she sees him. This game has 4 endings (I think), and I got the worst one, I shall not say what happened, but the ending was called '21 Sacraments'

Resident Evil series - I honestly don't know what to say about these games. Either Resident Evil 1 or Resident Evil Code Veronica X is my fave one. RE 4 is supossed to be one of the best games ever made. I shall list the characters, as they are awesome; Chris, Jill, Barry, Wesker (my fave hehe), Rebecca, Ada, Leon, Claire, Steve, Billy, Carlos, there are obviously others, but I just listed the main ones, and the ones that I could remember. I've completed all the ones in the main series, and Chris and Wesker are my fave characters I think. I hate Steve, but my mates all say I love him. Damn them all to hell. The storylines in these games are awesome, I can't explain them all, they're too long.

Soul Calibur series - I don't normally like playing fighting games, but this one is awesome, Link was even in one of them! My fave character is Hwang, he's so cool. You had to unlock him in one of them, but i'm not very good at it, and kept getting killed by that damn Raphael (I hate him so much), so instead I made a character that had his moves and looked like him, and called him Hwang. I can't remember the storyline for this game, it's been a while since I played it.

Mortal Kombat: Shoalin Monks - Mortal Kombat is well known as a fighting game, but it has a few adventure ones as well. This is one of them. My fave character on the fighting ones is Kung Lao, and he's one of the main characters in this game, the other one being Liu Kang. I used to play this all the time with my brother. At one point I was actually better than him at it, and that doesn't normally happen lol. Can't remember the storyline for this one either. But it's an awesome game.

Ape Escape series - well this is quite a change from the games i've been writing about. This game is so random, I mean, monkeys that take over the world? What? I've only ever completed Ape Escape 3, 'cause I got annoyed with the second one, and the first ones quite awkward to play. Satoru and Sayaka are the names of the characters in the 3rd one. I went Sayaka as that's the girl lol. I love the boss monkey, Specter, he's just awesome. Dr. Tomuki, otherwise known as Mr. Afro, rules too.

Guitar Hero II - I LOVE this game. It's so awesome, and I completed it on hard! I'm really proud of myself. I'm stuck on section 6 of expert now though. There are two songs that are really awesome in my opinion, Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas and The Beast and The Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold. I love those two songs so much, but it's no surprise that I love The Beast and The Harlot, 'cause Avenged Sevenfold are like my second fave band. This game stresses me out sometimes, but it's one of the best games ever made.

Euro 2004 - you wouldn't think i'd like this game, 'cause I hate football, but I used to play it with my brother and my dad all the time. I was pretty good at it too, never completed it though, I couldn't be bothered. I used to go France, my dad would go England, and my brother would go Portugal. I think I was actually better than my brother at this, but my dad was the best.

Singstar series - THE best game to play with your mates. There are 8 Singstars altogether, Singstar, Singstar Party, Singstar Popworld, Singstar 80's, Singstar Rocks!, Singstar Anthems, Singstar Legends, and Singstar Pop Hits, I realise now that I didn't have to write 'Singstar' for every one, but it's too late now. Pop Hits is my fave, 'cause it's got Evanescence and My Chemical Romance on it. They're not even pop, but you know. The only one I haven't played is Rocks!

Hogs of War - oh my God, this game is just so amazing. This is another game I used to play with my brother and my dad all the time. I used to go the American pigs, my dad would go the British, and my brother would go either the German or the Russian. One of the American pigs sounded like Elvis. It even says on the wiki. As the title says, it's just pigs at war. It's like Worms, but pigs instead. It's so cool. I love those little American pigs, Abraham and Keanu are my faves. I can't remember the name of the one that sounds like Elvis.

ToeJam & Earl - this game is so random, it's unbelievable. It's for the sega, and I used to play it with my brother all the time. Two aliens whose spaceship has crashed on earth, and you have to find the pieces. ToeJam was a red alien with four legs, a cap that was on backwards and a big medallion. Earl just looked like Patrick off Spongebob, but he was orange, his pants fell down all the time too. ToeJam was the faster one, and Earl was the one with the most life. I always had to go Earl, even though I like ToeJam better.

Streets of Rage 1 & 2 - this is a game I always used to play with my dad. It was for the sega as well. I liked the second one better, whereas my dad liked the first one better. In the first one I always went Blaze, and my dad went Adam, and in the second one I always went Skate and my dad went either Blaze or Axel. It's an arcade game, and it's so amazing, I love it.

Warioware: Smooth Moves - another good game to play with your mates, but I think it's better playing it on your own. Basically loads of mini-games, and you have to put the Wii-remote on your head and do all sorts of things. It's so fun, and can be good excerise lol. My fave mini-game set is Ashleys. I love this game so much.

Dragonball Z: Budokai - I used to watch this all the time on TV, but then it went crap. This is a fighting game, i'm not so good at it really, but I did complete it. My fave character was either Trunks, or Teen Gohan. My brother was awesome at this game, he always wanted to fight me, but there was no point 'cause i'd just lose.

The Sims 2 - I don't play this game anymore, but i'm looking forward to MySims for the Wii. I either make a family and make them have loads of kids, so theres loads of generations, or I just make a single sim, and don't really pay attention to them, because I normally take the repairman prisoner in a tiny room, and then kill him. I'm evil, I know.

Super Smash Bros. Melee - this is another fighting game, also another game that has Link in it. Link is obviously my fave character, either him or Young Link. I love this game, theres an adventure mode, or a classic mode. You can get loads of trophies of characters from Nintendo games. It's really cool.

Mariokart: Double Dash! - this is like the only racing game I like. I always go Koopa and Paratroopa in the bullet car. I can only do it on 50cc and 100cc, i'm awful at it otherwise. My brothers really good at it, he unlocked everything. THE best racing game ever in my opinion.

Zoo Tycoon - this is a game i'll only play when i'm REALLY bored. But I love it anyway. I haven't played it in years though. It's extremely fun creating your own little zoo, I love the tigers the most, them being my fave animal.

Thrill Kill - this game was never officially released. We had a copy of it years and years ago though. If it had of been released it would of definitely been an 18, but I played it when I was like 5, and I loved it. I can't remember it very much, but it was really gory and quite sick really. So naturally it was one of the best games ever made.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - this MAY be my fave game ever made. You choose your race, I went an imperial, your class and starsign, and then basically you could do whatever you want. There were quests to do obviously, but you didn't have to do them. I joined The Dark Brotherhood, which was pretty screwed up. You killed people for rewards, it was really fun. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on my laptop, so I can't play it anymore. But it was awesome.

And there you go! That took me quite a while, and Lydia keeps moaning at me to hurry up. Anyway, they're the games that I love, and, i'm going now, bye!

P.S. I said the word 'awesome' a LOT in that post.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is one of several names given to a poorly understood, highly debilitating disorder of uncertain etiology, which is thought to affect approximately 4 per 1,000 adults in the United States and other industrialized countries, and a smaller fraction of adolescents.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a rather bad name for it, in my opinion. Yep, I suffer from CFS, and let me tell you, it aint exactly what you'd call fun. I don't know what the best name for it is, there's quite a few names, and none of them seem to fit. I think anyway. Here's a list of them.....
Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)
Myalgic encephalopathy
Chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS)
Post-viral [fatigue] syndrome (PVS or PVFS)
Chronic Epstein-Barr virus (CEBV)
Chronic Mononucleosis
Low Natural Killer cell disease
Yuppie Flu
Uncommonly used terms include Akureyri Disease, Iceland disease, Royal Free disease, atypical poliomyelitis, epidemic vasculitis, raphe nucleus encephalopathy, and Tapanui flu

I find 'Yuppie Flu' offensive, and 'Low Natural Killer cell disease' just sounds deadly. I just normally refer to it as 'CFS' or 'ME'.

You might be wondering what the hell CFS is. Well, to be honest, I don't really understand it that much myself. It has quite a few symptoms, and diagnosing it can be quite hard. I had to have so many blood tests it was unbelievable. But they were just to rule out other things. You have to have a certain number of symptoms before you can be diagnosed with it. When I started to sleep all day and get headaches, I just thought "Oh, i'm just being lazy," and "It's just my eyesight getting worse." But it was far different from that. I had quite a few other symptoms too, sore throats, muscle weakness/pain, waking up randomly in the middle of the night, when I woke up it didn't feel like i'd been to sleep, being freezing one minute, and roasting the next. I swear when that doctor said he thought I had CFS, I was just like "Eh? What in God's name is that?!" But all the signs were there, heres the list of symptoms you've gotta have......

Primary symptom: incapacitating fatigue
Incapacitating fatigue that is:
of new or definite onset (not since birth)
unexplained by other medical cause,
lasts for at least six months (from onset, not necessarily from when the patient becomes aware that the fatigue is an ongoing symptom)
and is not improved by rest.

Additional symptoms
The fatigue must be accompanied by a minimum of 4 of the following eight symptoms:
Impairment of short-term memory and concentration
Sore throat
Tender lymph nodes
Muscle pain
Multi-joint pain
Headaches of a new type, pattern, or severity
Unrefreshing sleep or insomnia
Post-exertional malaise (fatigue lasting more than 24 hours after exertion)

The cause of CFS is usually if you were very stressed in the previous year. Some cases start gradually, but the majority start suddenly, often trigged by a flu-like viral, or similar illness.
There isn't a tablet you can take for CFS, you have to get better the hard way. It varies in people, and its not really known whether anyone truly recovers from it, or just acheives remission from a relapsing, remitting illness. Some patients go into hospital for a while and come out the other side. Some patients can just make adjustments in their life and slowly get things back to normal. For instance, students can be home tutored, or go into hospital school (like me), and gradually be sent back to school. Even though hospital school/home tutoring is just supossed to be temporary, sometimes it can end up being permanent.

CFS is unlikey to increase the risk of an early death, although it has been listed as the cause of death in a few cases. That made me feel better when I saw that......

There are quite a few notable sufferers, and I can't tell you how excited I was to learn that Frank Iero, the rhythm guitarist in My Chemical Romance (my fave band) used to have it. It also made me feel better, as hes extremely active now, so I know I can get better. I didn't know quite a few of them but the ones I did know were; Florence Nightingale (you gotta know who that is), Cher (c'mon, you know who that is too, don't you?), Kelly Holmes (athlete), Frank Iero (as stated above), Flea (bassist in Red Hot Chili Peppers), and Lemmy (singer of Motorhead).

Having to live with it can cause anxiety, depression and stress. I'm not too stressed out myself, but I get anxious really easily, and I'm depressed. CFS sufferers can be completely cut off from social activity. You can be completely cut off from work/school and therefore don't socialise, which can make you feel even worse. It is believed that CFS sufferers are at a high risk of suicide. I myself am not, but there most probably patients who are. Some people argue that its easy to invent CFS-like symptoms for social, emotional or financial benefits. I do not see how there are benefits to suffering from this awful thing. I hardly ever see my friends, I feel the worst than I have ever done in my entire life, and i'm 14, so it aint like I had money anyway, but I don't think there are any financial benefits.

To be honest, I find it hard to talk about this, sometimes I think its all just in my head, as somebody once said to me that the only reason I stay off school is because I haven't been there in so long. The truth is, i'm not well, it can't be right for a 14 year old girl to feel like this, to sleep all day, and to not even have a life. Admitting it to myself is hard, but there it is. I'm trying to get everything back to normal, but it will take a while. I'm not really that confident that I can do it, but i'll try. Just incase you think it, I haven't wrote this so that people will feel sorry for me. I've wrote it because I want to raise awareness about something that most people have never even heard of. I hope you understand it more now, and that I didn't just make you even more confused. I probably did, but it can't be helped.